Thursday, July 1, 2010


How Small Container Gardens Can Save You Money And Your Life!

There’s no denying we live in uncertain economic times. Everyday financial experts pronounce another wave of bank failures, home foreclosures, job losses and global economic woe. Survival-minded people are implementing every way possible to minimize their losses, shore up their resources and live as frugally as possible. The good news is, personal food production is one area that doesn’t cost much money to start (pennies really), and can produce HUGE results, saving you a ton of money on your grocery bill. If you can grow 30 pounds of tomatoes, that’s 30 pounds of tomatoes you didn’t buy at the grocery store. Don’t fall for the belief that you need a big plot of land to produce big results with your crops. The truth is you don’t need a large garden to grow your own food. Even if you rent an apartment, you can grow enough food in containers to dramatically lower your food bill every month, and quite possibly feed you, your family and friends.


One of the easiest methods of food production is found in the Food4Wealth™ system, which shows you how to grow food that you can harvest every single day of the year, no matter where you live. This method is easily adapted to container gardening for apartment dwellers or for those who wish to utilize every inch of available space to grow their own fresh, organic vegetables. Every vegetable you can produce yourself is one less vegetable you buy at inflated prices at your local grocery store. And you can feel confident in the quality of your own home-grown organic foods, instead of being dependent on foreign imports, food recalls and tainted products.

Jonathan White, Environmental Scientist and Horticulturalist and creator of Food4Wealth™ has produced a method for growing food that is near fool-proof and produces an abundance of food from small spaces. Moreover, once your garden is started, it requires very little on-going labor to grow and continue to benefit from year-‘round.

FOOD4WEALTH™ is detailed in book format and short video tutorials - over 60 minutes of hands-on, step by step instructions - showing you every step of the way, so that you can see exactly what you should be doing to get amazing results for yourself.


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